Dishin' With Daphne

A place for the international performing sensation Daphne Ruth Jenkins to spew her earth-shattering revelations regarding life, love, family and fame.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Tina Tantrum

Sorry that it's been so long since my last post. I've just been frantically preparing for the gay high holy day, Halloween. In the meantime, I thought I'd share with you all a recent discovery from YouTube. This is a freakishly fun clip of Tina Turner and Cher kickin' it up to the classic tune, "Shame Shame Shame".

Cher & Tina Turner - Shame Shame Shame

This version was obviously slowed down quite a big to compensate for Cher's unusual singing style. However, it's still a hoot to hear these sassy dames dueting. It's total camp overload. Showing it to young children would surely turn them gay. By the way, if you can track down Tina's solo version of this tune, it's sizzling hot.

Naturally, I'm a long time Tina Turner fan. I'll never forget seeing her in concert back when I was just a wee lass. I was simply speechless when she descended from the rafters belting out "Goldeneye" after the first intermission. Diva knows how to make an entrance!

Well, when I met Peppa Roni, I found out that I was a rank amateur when it comes to worshipping at the altar of Tina. Peppa has an encyclopedic knowledge of this simple girl with a dream from Nutbush. Peppa has turned me onto all sorts of gems that I didn't realize existed. If you can get your hands on a copy of Tina doing "Kill His Wife", grab it. You'll never hear her more ferocious and frisky.

So, if you think Tina's oeuvre begins with "What's Love Got To Do With It" and ends with "Simply The Best", then you need to get out there and do your research.



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